Meet Nibbles and Pip

25 March 2018

How do you 'catalogue' your stuff?

Welcome back folks. Sorry about the 'break in transmission' yesterday.

I had some news at my doctor's appointment that was a bit 'life changing' and I was also feeling very very ill too.  I've developed type II diabetes which accounts for a lot of what's been happening to me the last few months. Hopefully now that I'm on medication to help, and getting a life plan including what I can and can't eat in the future will get me back on track.  I've had a huge headache for months, been very dizzy and fatigued.

Doesn't help when you have lupus SLE as well as fibromyalgia so yeah, a lot of things fell into place at my doctor's yesterday.  I will be alright eventually. I'm getting my appointments to the diabetic clinic and dietitian sorted and another doctor's appointment first thing Monday to work on my new health plan.  So thankful that I have a pair of GPs who have known me for many years and together they keep life as easy as possible for me.  I'm also grateful that the weather in Sydney has cooled of some because let's face it, I'm a 'hermit' in the summer months. That sun is so unkind to a lupus person, so unkind.

Well what did I want to share with you this week? 

Punches, in particular, keeping track of what you have so you don't double up AND so you can see at a glance which punch would suit a particular stamped image.

Like on this card. I've used the Everyday Punch (Christmas 2017 but carried over 'til    31st May 2018) The stamp is the Lovely Wishes, a polymer set. I hand dyed my own white silk seam binding using Crushed Curry re-inker mixed with Isocol (rubbing alcohol)


I'm a big fan of hinged rings.  I have colour swatches, washi tap samples, little bags of things hooked on rings here hanging in my little corner of the house where I create.  I sat the other day and thought that I really needed a 'system' to see what I have as far as punches go. Currently they are spread between several drawers and a shelf.  As they are quite heavy in the drawer, I don't want to pull it out and push it back in again multiple times looking for what ever is right for the project I'm working on.


So tadah, Wirgie made a sample swatch, I wrote on them what they are called, their stock number and if they have retired or not.  It's working for me. Some of you know the tiny corner I work in in my house and the fact that I'm only 4ft 8" tall (142cm) tall means I can't have much above my head because I can't reach LOL.



I hope this has been helpful, do leave me a comment so I know you've visited and

Til next time,

happy stamping, colouring and creating!

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1 comment:

  1. Look at all of those punches! 👀


Do leave me some comments, it's nice to you know you've visited!