Meet Nibbles and Pip

06 April 2021

Tutu Tuesday, 6th April 2021

Well hello there everyone! Happy Tutu Tuesday!

It's been a while since I've blogged. This isn't going to be full of creativity, just words. I'm awaiting new glasses and I've not been dealing with life in general very well lately.  The last month or so has seen me hit a hard wall emotionally and I've stepped back from the whole world so to speak for a while.  But you know what has been said about me, so you can't keep me off line or quiet for too long.  

I know we all have our problems in this world and I've been dealt my fair share over the years.  Last July, when I came home from hospital and had to change my life for the better ie, my diet, my crafting obsession (let's face it, I'm addicted to paper crafting) and a yoyo of highs and lows emotionally, something had to give and it's been my mental state. 

I've been told I wear my heart on my sleeve and has it never been more apparent to me than this last 3 or so months.  I had to hit rock bottom and admit, I need help to work past the emotions that have held me ransom for years.  Somewhere in the chaos of my mind I've been advised that I've been dealing and handling things quite well but when I burst in to tears because I can't even tie a bow easily like I usually do, it's very distressing and obvious, that I am not at all handling things like the average every day.  Yes at the moment, I'll take average over the chaos! 

I am unable to concentrate for a few seconds and am flitting from one thing to another around the house and not getting anything really accomplished, well, enough has been enough.  My long suffering husband has tried to help but he's had to cope through my many bouts of depression for 30yrs.  Lots of things have come to light that I've never told even him, my best friend of nearly 32yrs!!!

I thank the Lord for my church, the wonderful people I have met through KAC (Kellyville Anglican Church) and have been guided to a counselling service that I pray will help me put my ghosts to bed and my past in the past and learn new coping mechanisms for the future.   Not to forget my past but to move on from it and remember all the wonderful not the sad and bad!

So that's it for now.  So glad I'm a fast touch typist or I'd never have been able to type this out so quickly without looking at the keyboard or the screen for too long.    Let me leave you with a life skills tip to pass to your kids, LEARN TO TYPE properly. It's something that can taken everywhere through life in this modern digital age.  Best skill ever. I can type as someone is dictating to me.  So thankful for that at the moment when my eyes hurt so bad.  

I'll be back soon, with some great paper crafting 

projects & new images.

til next time, 

remember, happy stamping, colouring & creating!!

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