Meet Nibbles and Pip

14 May 2019

Monday Musings, 13/May/2019


This is for those of you who only know me as Wirg/Wirgie and don't know my real/given name and it's meaning and how/why the nicname 'Wirg' came in to being.

I looked up my real name's meaning for my friend Rhonda recently and found this on Wikipeadia ..... I now know why my mother gave me this lovely name and why I embrace it these days too.
Quote:  Virginia is a feminine given name derived from the Ancient Roman family name Virginius, a name probably derived from the Latin word virgo, meaning "maiden" or "virgin." According to legend, Virginia was a Roman girl who was killed by her father in order to save her from seduction by the corrupt government official Appius Claudius Crassus.[1]

The name was the 34th most common name for American women and girls, according to the census of 1990. It was the 545th most popular name given to baby girls born in the United States in 2007.[1]

Virginia Dare was the first child born to English parents in North America. Virginia O'Hanlon wrote a letter that prompted the famous "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus" editorial in the September 21, 1897 edition of the New York Sun. The most famous Virginia is probably the English modernist author Virginia Woolf.  End Quote.

So where did I  get “Wirg/Wirgie” from?

Someone (well many) asked me didn't they ROFL. This is what I shared on my personal facebook wall over the weekend with a friend.  No, you won't see it if you are not in my friends listing but you will what I've written here and on my business Facebook page.

Here goes....a direct copy with a bit of editing to make it a bit more 'polished'.

Many years ago in a land far far away called 'the Australian Public Service" I use to work in a government agency prior to the last one I worked at. You know that one from which I retired (ie Medicare's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme/PBS). That first government agency was named "The Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency" or 'The Agency" and it shall here in after be named the "place that gave me lots of money to make me redundant.

At said agency there was a woman who was ment to be the IT expert, she wasn't but yeah she worked there anyway. I was ment to go home by 2.30pm most days as I had to get my son from school. Many times she would beg me to stay back and help her with the system back ups for all the computers. As I was only ment to be permanent part time, any extra I did was good because said Agency would pay me huge amounts of time & a half and also give me flex time so I could take extra days off when needed.

I always knew when I was going to be begged to stay back. Down the open plan windowed area she'd saunter all coy saying 'Wiiiirg.... Wirgie... pretty please Wirgie would you stay back and help me, I am overwhelmed, go on Wirgie, I'll sign your overtime sheet'

So I became Wirg or Wirgie and when I left the public service all together I didn't want either Agencies snooping on me. I knew they didn't know about the nicname so I ran with it. Both agencies had a privacy clause in my work contracts.  Much of what I knew/still know is highly classified. I would not want to be tracked down by other agency employees who left with grievances and wanted me to be a 'witness' to the unfair treatment. I walked away with my head held high (as much as a short person can) and the really cute nic name of Wirgie. And let's face it, it's been a conversation starter for sure.

End of the story from the far far away land of "the Australian šŸ¤£Public Service"

til next time, remember,

happy stamping, colouring & creating!


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