Meet Nibbles and Pip

05 October 2018

A bit of this and a bit of that...

A personal post today.  I came back from my father's place last night. I'm extremely shellshocked to be honest and not just at the prognosis and treatment options.

I got to the middle of the day yesterday and I just had to leave.  I'm so saddened by the way my father's moods have suddenly swung from kind and considerate to ripping strips of anyone who's near him at home and anyone, any object, any thing on TV or in the news can send him into a massive tirade and at the top of his voice.  He's as sweet as sugar when he's out at any appointments but get him home and he turns like Jeckyl and Hide!

I finally had had enough and quietly said I think it's time I went home. Well not quite those words, but I was very quiet with what I said.  I packed everything up. Messaged my son who said to go on up to his FIL's house at Swansea (further north from Chain Valley Bay) and spend some time with them before I made the long maddening drive back into chaotic Sydney.  So I did.

My father has always had a bit of a short temper from what I've been told, but never have I been the brunt of it so much in such a short space of time.  I usually compensate for his behaviour because he is getting on, he is quite deaf without his hearing aids (or when he wants to be deaf) and he's got cancer.  Yes, stage 4 lung cancer which though they could operate and remove it, it isn't going to happen.  You see, Dad also has emphesyma. Because of that, they really can't remove the whole lower right lung lobe, they'd make his breathing and quality of life horrible and much shorter I believe.  He's going to be seeing a radiologist asap and has opted to have radiation therapy.  Now that's not without it's down sides. But the oncologyst said on Tuesday afternoon, there's three options, operate, radiation treatment or do nothing.

He said if they did nothing and took the wait and see approach Dad can't be given any time frame because it has grown some since first picked up on the scans. It's totally unpredictable.  So Dad's going to find out more information about the radiation treatment.  And I'll just have to knit him some soft beanies coz we know he'll loose his hair.  He's got one from a MND function held for my son's FIL (he's got motor neurons) but my father said it's too heavy on his head.  I did have to laugh at that because I thought I was the only one who thought beanies with pom poms on them were 'heavy' LOL

So I'm home, been fiddling about with computer software that needed upgrading, finally got my printer going again. It's been months since I could get it to print and you'd laugh at the so totally obvious reason I couldn't fix it. So thankful for the team at RIHAC Australia.  The fellow knew exactly what was wrong. Because I'm quite short, I couldn't see a certain tiny little plug that needed removing.  One Ikea step up later and yay, got that sucker off and bingo bango, I've re-primed all my ink cartridges and we are up and printing again.

So, there might be a FF@F'o'clock'ish post tomorrow, it depends on if I get all I have to get done first half of the day.  If not I'll work over the weekend on something.  There are so many gorgeous products available right now, my head's been spinning on what to choose to show you.

Do check out the clearance rack too

Clearance Rack

AND don't miss out on the

World Card Making Day

World Card Making Day promotion ending 7th October.


so, til next time,

happy stamping colouring & creating!


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