Meet Nibbles and Pip

28 July 2018

Fabulous Fridays @ 5'o'clock, 27 July 2018

Fabulous Fridays @ Five'o'Clock'ishHeaderJpeg

Welcome back to another FF@F.  This week it's extra special because today it is my 60th birthday. Yes, my 60th, I'm still wondering if they made a mistake on my birth certificate LOL

Too celebrate this milestone birthday I would like to send any of my customers who place a $50 or more  order by midnight tonight a gift.  So do remember, if you are shopping through my online store, to register so I know where to send your gift too.

"Today only til Midnight. Don't forget to register when you get to my online store so I know where to send your gift!"

This week I've made a quick video tutorial for you showing how I make colourful backgrounds using my inkpads, acrylic blocks and fine mist water spritz.  I hope you find it handy and enjoy creating many colour combinations.  It's fun to do and no two backgrounds every come out quite the same.

Here are two different colour combos I did using full sized ink pads.  Using the full sized ink pads is a lot faster and easier but the ink spots work perfectly fine.

[gallery ids="617,618" type="rectangular"]

The one on the left I've used Pineapple Punch, Grapefruit Grove and Lovely Lipstick, the one on the right is Pineapple Punch, Grapefruit Grove and Lemon Twist.



Both of these photos show Pineapple Punch, Grapefruit Grove & Lemon Lime Twist.

'til next time,

happy stamping, colouring and creating!

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