Meet Nibbles and Pip

18 October 2019

Thursday's Thoughts, 17October2019


Well hello there everyone.  Yes I know, I've not been very 'consistent' in my blogging lately but honestly, there have been days lately where I've not been able to concentrate and days where I've spend most of it driving hundreds of kilometres. 

I am just a tad tired at the moment.

My thoughts today?  They've been a bit all over the place but I'm gradually putting some of them into their 'compartments' or 'files' in my head and getting on with life.   My father has been a huge worry and he's not helping by being given a new driver's license for another 5 years. I honestly thought he wouldn't pass the eye test but he did, sigh. This now sees him 'procrastinating' even more on sorting out the house, having a clean out of and generally not leaving the place looking like a shrine to my mother. She's been gone nearly 13 years and still some things have not been sorted. Boxes in the garage that haven't been unpacked since they moved up there 20 years ago!  I'm so over it.

Any whoo on with some things that really did cheer me up big time....

Something very happy for me was that my son and his fiance have all their wedding favours done and in their possession now, my work for that side of the wedding is very happily and satisfyingly done! They love all that I did, yay!

So besides being up at my father's again and doing the driving for him, I also got to go to a dinner show at Lizotte's Live and Cooking venue in Newcastle.

AND I got to meet in person, prior to the dinner and show, Neil Byrne & Ryan Kelly!

Yes the very same well loved fellows who are "Byrne & Kelly" .

Oh my goodness, how beautiful are these two gentleman and so very funny too!  To mention talented is an understatement!  I'll leave you with some photos I took and one of me with the lads at the meet & greet too.  If you've not listened to any Byrne & Kelly music, do your selves a favour and check them out on Youtube. If you like Celtic Thunder, you'll love Byrne & Kelly for sure!   Ryan & Neil are the 2 founding members from Celtic Thunder!


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They were so sweet and bent down to get this great photo!

til next time, remember,

Happy stamping, colouring & creating!

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