Meet Nibbles and Pip

13 October 2020


 I know, it's been quite some time since I did a Fabulous Fridays @ 5'o'clock post. This one is short but sweet. Life has been plodding along a steady rate as I recover from my 2 heart surgeries. I've had my first pacemaker check last week and all seems to be going well. I have another towards the end of this month too.

Today I'm sharing with you a technique that a friend (Libby Dyson) reminded me off the other day whilst I was visiting her blog. I've been wanting to do this for some time. Many years ago someone gave me a swap at a Stampin' Up! convention and I was amazed by it. All done with a hot glue gun, embossing powder and re-inkers on water colour paper. I was hoping to share a photo of that swap, but just can't find it, darn! Probably still in one of my packing boxes still to unpack ;-)  

Gather your supplies together, you'll need some Fluid water colour paper, it's nice & sturdy and will hold lots of water. Re-inkers, aqua painter brush filled with water, a full water spritzer, hot glue gun and glue sticks, heat gun, embossing powder (in my examples I've used silver on one and gold on the other. I've listed below the Stampin' Up! products I've used.

Ensure your glue gun is nice & hot (do be careful of burns). You want your hot glue to be able run out of the gun nice and smoothly. Randomly allow hot glue to drizzle on your piece of water colour paper. Next have ready your chosen embossing powder, scrap paper to collect the excess and your heat tool. Have your heat tool ready to go, along with scrap paper under your water colour paper. Reheat the hot glue you have drizzled then quickly pour over it your embossing powder. Tap off the excess and replace it in the jar. Use your heat gun again to melt the embossing powder. Now it should look like liquid gold or silver, which ever embossing powder you've used. If you want you can quickly add more powder and heat it again.

Select the re-inkers you want to use and small pallet and put a drop of each colour into the pallet. Mine, believe it or not isn't an actual pallet. It's left over packaging that I saved. I thought it made a perfect small pallet.

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Next you will need to spritz water onto your water colour paper, make it nice and saturated. It may be a good idea to lay down several pieces of kitchen paper to ensure your work area doesn't get wet. Once the water colour paper is nice and wet, using your aqua painter brush pick up the lightest re-inker with the brush and drop it onto the wet paper. You should see it burst out and spread into where ever the paper is wet. 

Clean your aqua painter and select the next colour until you have the coverage you want. Make sure you clean off your aqua painter brush between colours so you don't muddy them. And give the brush a good clean when completed to avoid permanent staining. Taking your water spritzer, give a light spritzing over your piece to help spread the colours more. No two pieces will be the same, you'll have a different creation ever time!

I've selected complimenting card stock to layer under my two finished pieces. I've left approximately 2 to 3mm showing around the edges. Because this water colour paper is quite thick and sturdy, I've chosen to adhere it to the layer using Tombow liquid glue. Next I layered the pieces onto my base cards of thick Whisper white. Tadaah, two little works of art!

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Thanks Libby for sharing your creations. It was the prompt I needed to extract the digits and get crafting to write this blog post at last!

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Til next time, remember

Happy stamping, colouring & creating!


Product List
Heat Tool

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