Meet Nibbles and Pip

14 October 2020

Thursday Thoughts 21/5/2020!

Well welcome to Stamp Out Your Art With Virginia. As you can see there’s been a little bit of revamping both on my part and WordPress’s too!

Edited: as of 13th October 2020, my blog will be homed at this address: 

The Herbster and I have had some very deep and meaningfuls AND rather heated arguments since he’s had to work from home and get himself into the defence training facility some days. It’s not an option right now for him to take any leave, he’s in an essential service. He has leave in August booked. For him to keep driving all the way there and back as lots of other people are starting to doing the same has become a nightmare. Avoiding public transport at all costs. So this means he’s back to square one in his commuting. That is, anything from 2 to 3hrs each way and any which way he can combine to get there without breaching social distancing.

Thankfully his company ‘gets it’ and have been backing him every step of the way to get the home office set up and to work around days where he’s just not able to ride part of the way. Parking anywhere from where we live and along the route has been a problem but he’s been nutting it out and trying to build up his fitness again to ride his bike. Funny enough so have thousands and thousands of other Sydney siders so the bike paths have been crowded too, agghh!!!!!!!!!

We have come to the same point on the page that we make the Hovel what we want it to be for now, that means, yes still finish the renovating, still put new furniture in and still make my crafting and working area off the kitchen more friendly and useable for me. We’ve been sharing the same space and it isn’t working for either of us. His office is almost completely set up in the dining room we haven’t used for a very long time. Our flooring will still be getting done in early August but we won’t be on any cruise whilst it happens. We will be staying only a few hours drive away from home, up in the Hunter Valley whilst they are done and our kitties, well their 14 day holiday was never in doubt for that period

Our new furniture arrived 3 weeks earlier than expected. The Herbster has been all gung-ho getting his set up. This has left me floundering and trying to stay current with all the changes happening in the Stampin’ Up! world as well. Thankfully we have NBN and an unlimited broadband plan and not under contract so what we got when we first got NBN is a fabulous deal which we won’t change at this point in time.

This we do not want changed as we have found it works well. If it ain’t broke don’t change it was that old saying, right? Now as for my current mobile phone, yes that blasted problem has been on going since 25th February. Low and behold I had a call from Telstra earlier this week and they are trying to sort out the ‘pack of pooh tickets’ the simple porting over from Optus that was ment to happen back in February. When my phone is finally on the Telstra network, maybe my hubby, family & friends will be able to contact me much easier. Many days I don’t even hear that I have an SMS, missed call let alone it ringing. So over it.

So my friends and followers, this also means we will NOT be leaving Sydney for at least another year, maybe even two. We’ve recently had some financial advice saying that to try and sell our place over the next 12 to 18 months may see us lose anything up to $200,00.00 in value. If we wait for Australia’s economy to start to bounce back we will be much better off and the Herbster will be a bit closer to wanting to retire himself. Remember for half the year he’s 5yrs younger than me 😉 Yes buying right now is much easier and will probably get cheaper but selling is a whole different kettle of fish. So with that I’ll finish this off and wish you all good health, safety and love in this very upside down year of 2020!

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