Meet Nibbles and Pip

13 October 2020

Monday Musing 20/July2020

 Hello there, it's been such a long time between blog posts. 

This one is going to be text heavy too. Life has change dramatically since I last posted. To say I came so close to dying would be an understatement. No I didn't contract covid19, no worries there. But I did get diagnosed with atrial fibleration, something no one could have predicted. It was also something hereditary, given both my parents' history, well I got all their dodgy genes. My heart was stopping so many times I kept passing out going into and out of an irregular heart rythmn. Two emergency ambulance trips to hospital withing a few days and well let's just say, they wouldn't let me come home until there was something done and me given a helping hand with a pacemaker as well as medication.  

This has been life changing and I've had to face my mortality more times than I want to think about. I'm not out of the woods but at least I know there's this amazing technology in my chest/shoulder that stops me from blacking out now. I can't drive for a while, I can't reach things at all now for a while at least. (well what's new, I couldn't before LOL) 

Some of you may follow me personally on Facebook, I did take some rather interesting photos. And I did do a rather 'drunk' funny video after the first heart surgery I had. Sadly, that surgery wasn't what my heart liked so within 5 days I was back in surgery having a wizbang pacemaker implanted. I've lost count of how many cannulars I had in, how many times they took bloods from me and how long I was on different IV drips for days at a time. I feel like I've been in a massive war to save my life and now I'm feeling kind of drained and not knowing what to do with myself.

I can say that considering covid19, I am quite happy not to leave the house, happy to be restricted to no socializing. I am now in that very high risk catagory, higher than I was before all this happened. Also, it's kind of a blessing in disguise that we couldn't sell up and move to country Victoria this year too. 2020 has been, what our Queen once said years ago, my annus horriblilus (forgive me spelling). I've lost my creative mojo but know it will come back some time. We still have to empty the house as planned so our new flooring can happen. We are still going to have a bit of a holiday up in the Hunter Valley when this happens too. We just won't be doing as much as we'd planned. I won't be running around after so many people any more and I won't be running myself on empty as I was in the past couple of years

My health has to take front seat along with my hubby. Bless him, I hate to think of all that he saw happening to me whilst I was in hospital. I can't imagine what was going through his mind every time he came to visit and I had more tubes in me, more bloods being taken, more iv's hooked up, oxygen masks on me blah blah blah. I was freaking out myself, serious panic attacks so him looking in at me beggers belief.

To thanks for stopping by, thanks for hanging in there with me. You can see me on my Facebook page here too... 


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