Meet Nibbles and Pip

16 July 2019

Tutu Tuesday, 16 July 2019!


Ah Tutus, life without them would be pretty boring and colourless!

Check out my Facebook page some time later and see this little cutie animated!

Yesterday as I thought about what today's post would be about, I had such a horrible time trying to get an idea to work, I was ready to give up.  Well on that particular project, I did give up because it was doing my head in.  I'll revisit it one day but maybe when I'm feeling a little better.  You see I've been not only battle a nasty cold/sinus/throat infection like but a tad of anxiety and depression.  Thanks to the charming owner of the rentals next door, we were slapped with a city council and EPA notice because of the work  being done to replace our roof, the kitchen ceiling replaced.  During that time we had loads of rain so it took twice as long AND part of the kitchen wall caved in due to water damage. That wasn't in the scope of works either.  The complainant wouldn't let it be known who they were but we can guess ☻  We were told power tools were being used outside EPA guidelines along with unreasonable amounts of 'dust and concrete particles' were polluting the area.  What the?????????????  No concreting was being done and any dust was inside our house. Would the EPA & council like to come and see how we've had to live for the last couple of months?????  (EPA = Environmental Protection Authority)

[gallery ids="1379,1378,1376" type="rectangular"]

The tradies said that section of the wall had to come out and be replaced as well as most of the kitchen ceiling.  Finally our house is almost back to 'normal'. The scaffolding is gone too.  There's just a bit of rubbish to be cleared and we can get going on getting our house totally uncluttered again.  Hubby spoke with the city council & EPA officer and that complaint was shut down and closed so fast it would have made ya head spin. As soon as they knew it was insurance work and a new roof going on, yup, who ever put the complaint in can kiss our butts! .  To say I was distraught at the letter would have been an understatement!

Anywhoo, this is the mess I made this morning, pretty colour that Pretty Peacock but my 'idea' was not happening.


I had to make myself sit and play with my crafting supplies. I did make a lovely mess but it did jog my memory for something I wanted to try out.   I found a little box of fairy lights whilst we were sorting out some of our cupboards, culling junk and no longer needed house hold items for a garage sale.   I remember buying these fairy lights more than 10 years ago so was very surprized that they still worked (well there were three that didn't but you can't really tell in the finished product.   I bought them from Ikea so guess where I'll be going come payday at the end of this month to get some more, yeah IKEA!! ♥


Using the Daisy Lane stamp set and several different ink pads, I stamped out both the large and small daisies.  I punched them all out, sponged the centres with Crushed curry then glued a small to a large. I then used my cropadile to punch a hole in the centre. Using my lovely old red Awl (it was my Mum's and larger than my piercing tool)  I made the hole just a tad larger so I could put in a fairy light in each layered daisy.  I'd curled the petals prior to doing this too.


So happy with how this turned out and hubby just came home and noticed them too. Very cute he said.



Thanks for stopping by, hope you like this project and if you've not go Daisy Lane and the medium punch yet, what are you waiting for?? LOL

til next time, remember

happy stamping, colouring & creating!

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