Meet Nibbles and Pip

25 February 2019

It's about love, it's about Jesus!

Hello every one &welcome to a very

very different blog post!

Last night I was blessed to be able to attend the Graham Tour at the Sydney International Conference Centre, Darling Harbour.  It wasn't just a Christian music concert, it wasn't just a talk by Billy Graham's son Franklin, it was an EVENT!  An event that I pray changed the lives of the many who answered the call to go down to the front and accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour!  I feel so humbled that I could be there. So thankful that I gave my life to the Lord many years ago too!   My heart swelled as did tears as I watch hundreds make their way down the foot of the stage and pray their acceptance prayer!

I was also filled with the love for my hubby who was with me, and for my dear friends, Rodney & Marian Trinidad.   Rodney has been worked tirelessly for a very long time, with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association to bring about this amazing tour that Franklin Graham has done.   If you didn't have the opportunity to catch any of the events throughout Australia, you have one last chance tonight.  It's free, it's open to anyone to go.  And believe me when I say, even the most hard hearted can be moved by the word of the Lord given through Franklin who follows on in this father's, the most Reverend Billy Graham, footsteps!

I feel most humbled that we got in to the ICC, it was looking like we may have not been able to get inside.  I stood there praying "Please Lord, let there be room for us to go in"  There was!  We stood in that que for nearly 1 & 1/2 hours, we were only a couple of people from the front of the que when they stopped letting anyone in.  Waiting there, I just knew we'd get in if we were patient and humbled.

Do yourselves a favour, go in early, very early!  Make sure you give a good couple of hours waiting time to get into the ICC.  It's a massive place but believe me it was filled to the rafters! I knew how big it was inside having been there for a Tina Arena concert a couple of years ago.  I am in awe that Franklin's message reached so many. That this place was bursting at the seams. That they had an over flow outside too! It wasn't for the Tina concert, but it was for Franklin and the memory of his wonderful father, the Rev. Billy Graham, all in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Go see what the tour has been about, follow this link, then ask yourself, are you right with the Lord?  It's never too late!

Here are some photos that I took.  Even though we were way up in the 'nose bleed' seats as Franklin called them, (there were more above us further back too) we had the best view! And oh my goodness, Crowder, now that's one Christian rocker who has to be experienced.  I know I've shared a few Youtube clips of his music on my Facebook page but to be there live and hear him, man he's awesome and he gets the Message across!

This first photo is of Rodney Trinidad making the announcement that the concert was about to start and giving a few 'house keeping tips' for when Franklin was to come on and when Franklin was to make the 'call'.  Rodney, you are a champion, this tour can only be describes a pure joy!




He didn't play this track but you'll get what he's like from this.  AND he does ballad/hymns that will so touch your heart too!


My goodness that was heart stopping, foot stomping awesome!  My son would be impressed with Dave Crowder's beard too. Hubby said he looked like a member of ZZTop LOL


Sooooooooooo there you have it, that's how I spent my Saturday night last night!  It was long and I slept in very late, but so worth it.  If I didn't have to walk as far as we did last night, I'd go again but nah, I'll let those who've not been  & had the chance to get in have it!



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